
Graines de Figuier à semer

4,50 €
Référence : PF141086 Marque : Radis et Capucine

Découvrez une aventure botanique captivante avec nos graines de Figuier Ficus carica, parfaites pour cultiver cet arbre fruitier emblématique. Originaires d'Asie et appréciées depuis l'Antiquité pour leurs délicieuses figues, symboles de fertilité et de richesse, les figuiers offrent une expérience gustative unique à travers leurs fruits sucrés et juteux.

  • Livraison gratuite en relais colis dés 30 €
  • Germination garantie
  • Assemblé avec ❤ en Anjou

Graines de Figuier à semer

Le figuier commun, ou Ficus carica L., est un arbre fruitier originaire d'Asie et cultivé pour ses délicieux fruits, les figues. Symboles de fertilité et d'abondance, les figues étaient une source de nourriture importante pour de nombreuses civilisations anciennes, notamment les Grecs, les Romains, les égyptiens et les Mésopotamiens.

Les figues sont appréciées pour leur saveur sucrée et leur texture juteuse. Elles sont consommées fraîches, séchées ou utilisées dans une des recettes de cuisine. Commencez votre propre jardin de figuiers comestibles dès aujourd'hui avec nos sachets de graines.

Commandez maintenant et savourez bientôt des figues fraîches de votre propre récolte !


Sachet size 13x13cm with 0.2gr of seeds of Ficus carica

Cultivation method : Fig seeds to sow

Planting the Fig seeds inside: Open the bag and pour some seeds into your hand. To sow, sprinkle the seeds on the wet soil not compact coconut, 2 to 3 seeds maximum per pot by pushing them 5 mm in the ground. Save the remaining seeds for later sowing or to sow directly in your garden or on your balcony when it is sunny. Gently cover the seeds with fertilized coconut soil and tamp lightly.

Watering tree seeds: Ideally use rainwater or filtered water (without chlorine). Prefer a fine rain watering, ideally using a hand spray, to keep the soil just wet, without gorging it with water, throughout the culture. Imagine the earth as a sponge wet and then wrung out. Be gentle and measured.

Germination of Fig seeds: Tree seeds to be sown directly germinate like other seeds. Expose to sunlight behind a glass, without putting on top of a heater and ideally with a plastic water bottle cut out to serve as a greenhouse. Fig seeds can take a week to germinate. Keep the seedlings under the plastic bottle for as long as possible to retain heat and moisture. The plant then grows normally but slowly.

Transplanting exotic trees from seedlings: When the seedlings emerge and reach 3 to 5 cm in height, select only one plant per pot and transplant the others into new pots or planters, always maintaining heat and humidity for these plants. Be careful not to break the stems or roots when transplanting. Water to promote the regrowth.You can take out the pots when the plants are strong and with a suitable temperature.

Harvest: The fig trees begin to bear fruit two to three years after planting. The figs are harvested at maturity, when they reach their maximum size and change colour to dark purple, usually from late summer. Pick carefully Ripe fruit should be soft to the touch and easily detach from the stem.

Our advice: The common fig tree, or Ficus carica L., is a fruit tree native to Asia and grown for its delicious fruits, figs. Figs were a symbol of fertility and abundance, an important source of food for many ancient civilizations, including the Greeks, Romans, Egyptians and Mesopotamians. Figs are appreciated for their sweet taste and juicy texture. They are eaten fresh, dried or used in one of the cooking recipes.

Why choose the fig seeds to sow ?

  • Guaranteed Seeds: Our edible fig seed bags are carefully selected to ensure successful germination and vigorous growth of your own fig.

  • Reproducible seeds: Once your fig tree has produced delicious fruits, you can harvest its seeds and replant them to grow new trees, ensuring a continuous harvest for years to come.

  • Assembly in France: All our seeds are packaged in France with the greatest care, ensuring you optimal quality and freshness for your gardening projects.

  • Ease of use: Our fig seed bags are designed to be easy to use, even for novice gardeners, allowing you to start your gardening with confidence.

  • Family experience: Involve the whole family in growing your own edible fig tree and create unforgettable memories by sharing the harvest of delicious fruit together.

  • Indoor cultivation: Whether you have a garden or not, our fig seeds can be grown indoors, allowing you to enjoy the beauty and flavor of figs all year round.

  • Fun learning: Growing an edible fig tree is an educational and fun experience for children and adults, offering a chance to learn about the life cycle of plants and food production.

Start your own edible fig garden today with our seed bags. Order now and enjoy fresh figs from your own harvest soon !

  • Largeur : 13 cm
  • Hauteur : 13 cm
  • Profondeur : 1 cm
  • Poids : 0.01 kg

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