Bees and flowers: the eternal covenant to preserve

It is important to help bees by sowing mellifer flowers


80% of plants reproduce thanks to pollinators so it’s also a food issue for tomorrow’s fruits and vegetables. But not that, we also need them to make sunflower oil and rape. We don't know how to replace them to produce what you find to eat in supermarkets. Pollution, urbanization, pesticides but also pesticides or large periods of drought hurt bees. 30% of the bees colonies have difficulty renewing themselves because of insufficient food. A little return to our natural science classes. Plants born live, reproduce and die. It is a natural cycle. To reproduce, bees will transport the pollen they take on the stamens of flowers to the pistil of other flowers. Fertilization is done and it gives seeds, which one can sow again. The pollinators are essential to the plant and nature around us.

Which insects carry the flower pollen to help reproduce plants?

Previous Next Domestic bees, hive bees, wild bees that live in natural shelters, but also bourdons, butterflies, flies, all insects have shells such as pea-coccial and even ant.

What can we do each to help?

Learn more You can sow flowers or plant mellifer flowers to feed bees and help them do their little work so useful of pollination. It’s funny and you can do it with your family. It’s easy to sow, just sprinkle over the wet earth It’s easy to plant a flower, just dig a hole.

Who can sow seeds for bees?

Learn more Everyone can do it and not need a large garden for it. In town, you can plant pot flowers on your balcony or even on your window edge, as long as there is sun and watering from time to time If you have a larger land, you can plant a mellow hedge, with flower shrubs. It will serve as a windbreak, it will keep the water from the rains and it will attract bees and butterflies. Putting water troughs also helps insects and birds

What can we do each to help?

Learn more You can sow flowers or plant mellifer flowers to feed bees and help them do their little work so useful of pollination. It’s funny and you can do it with your family. It’s easy to sow, just sprinkle over the wet earth It’s easy to plant a flower, just dig a hole.

Who can sow seeds for bees?

Learn more Everyone can do it and not need a large garden for it. In town, you can plant pot flowers on your balcony or even on your window edge, as long as there is sun and watering from time to time If you have a larger land, you can plant a mellow hedge, with flower shrubs. It will serve as a windbreak, it will keep the water from the rains and it will attract bees and butterflies. Putting water troughs also helps insects and birds

What can we do each to help?

Learn more You can sow flowers or plant mellifer flowers to feed bees and help them do their little work so useful of pollination. It’s funny and you can do it with your family. It’s easy to sow, just sprinkle over the wet earth It’s easy to plant a flower, just dig a hole.

Who can sow seeds for bees?

Learn more Everyone can do it and not need a large garden for it. In town, you can plant pot flowers on your balcony or even on your window edge, as long as there is sun and watering from time to time If you have a larger land, you can plant a mellow hedge, with flower shrubs. It will serve as a windbreak, it will keep the water from the rains and it will attract bees and butterflies. Putting water troughs also helps insects and birds

What plants feed bees?

  • flowered plants such as harlot, lavender de la provence, the groaning roses of our holiday in sale, poppy of our fields
  • there are also delicious fruit shrubs for children like Framboisiers, Poirier and Pommier...
  • flowery shrub trees such as hibiscus, heathers, lilacs, lime trees
  • aromatic plants like the Menthe the chives
  • But also vegetables like artichoke that gives a beautiful flower, zucchini.

So we have to wait for the passage of bees to make its doughnuts of zucchini flowers

What contains the seed mix of planting kits with flowers for bees?

A mixture of annual and lively flowers, which will naturally re-semer from year to year. More than a dozen other flowers, from the stuffing, the hull, the lavender, the phacélie and more.