Bees and flowers The eternal alliance to preserve with Radis and CapucineWe do not know how to replace them to produce what you find to eat in supermarkets. 30% of the bees colonies have difficulty renewing for lack of... Read more From seed to flowerHow and in how long grows a flower with Radis et Capucine ?The flowers, these wonders of nature, are at the heart of our passion at home Radis et Capucine. Their beauty and diversity amaze our senses, whether in a garden or in a pot... Read more Gardening for childrenThe gardening for children is an enriching activityChez Radis et Capucine, we firmly believe that child gardening is an enriching activity that can help raise awareness of the importance of preserving our environment. Read more Growing vegetables, flowers and potato flavours in townThe urban gardening guide with Radis and CapucineThe urban gardening is not only for those who have the chance to have a garden. Thanks to products Radis et Capucine, everyone can enjoy the joys of plant culture, even in urban areas... Read more Ecological Gifts for Tourist PlacesOffering personalized seeds is original and sustainable. The recipients can cultivate these flowers in their own garden, creating a living memory that will last in time because they are lively flowers, so that they repel. Read more PermacultureA guide for urban gardening with Radis and CapucinePermaculture, an increasingly widespread term, embodies a model of gardening and sustainable agriculture that promises a more environmentally friendly future... Read more

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